POST 191

The American Legion Gold Star Post 191

Mount Airy, Maryland





Regarding Online SAL 191 Membership

2021 Dues are:
Regular Member: $25.00
Under 21 (Junior): $15.00
Dual Member (AL/SAL): $15.00

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veterans organization, devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a not-for-profit community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members, men and women, in nearly 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.

The Sons of The American Legion was created in 1932 as an organization within The American Legion. The S.A.L. is made up of boys and men of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the United States military and became eligible for membership in The American Legion.

The American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization. Through its nearly 10,500 Units located in every state and some foreign countries, the Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. Along with The American Legion, it solidly stands behind America and her ideals.

The American Legion Riders are a diverse group of motorcycle enthusiasts sharing common goals. All are members or spouses of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of The American Legion and all are united by patriotism. They answer the call to ride in service to Americas military, her veterans, and for the children and youth of our country.